Пострадавшие от стихийных бедствий забыты в Грузии

Тысячи людей потеряли жилища в результате оползней и наводнений, но лишь немногие из них были переселены

Пострадавшие от стихийных бедствий забыты в Грузии

Тысячи людей потеряли жилища в результате оползней и наводнений, но лишь немногие из них были переселены

A powerful flood in April 2010 left several families in village of Mleta (Dusheti district) without a home. Officials say they can’t provide new houses for flood victims at the moment and suggest that they stay in a school building in a neighbouring village. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
A powerful flood in April 2010 left several families in village of Mleta (Dusheti district) without a home. Officials say they can’t provide new houses for flood victims at the moment and suggest that they stay in a school building in a neighbouring village. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Mleta locals say it was a miracle that no one died in the April 2010 flood, when the Aragvi river, blocked by a landslide, overflowed and burst into villagers’ homes during the night. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Mleta locals say it was a miracle that no one died in the April 2010 flood, when the Aragvi river, blocked by a landslide, overflowed and burst into villagers’ homes during the night. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Mariam Gagadze, 87, lost her house in the April 2010 flood. Most of her family left Mleta - Mariam remained with one of her sons in a neighbour’s house. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Mariam Gagadze, 87, lost her house in the April 2010 flood. Most of her family left Mleta - Mariam remained with one of her sons in a neighbour’s house. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Whenever there’s heavy rain and the risk of flooding in Mleta, the parents of Khatia, 2, and her eight- and one-year-old brothers send them to relatives in other villages. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Whenever there’s heavy rain and the risk of flooding in Mleta, the parents of Khatia, 2, and her eight- and one-year-old brothers send them to relatives in other villages. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
The spot where Gigi is doing his homework was submerged during the April 2010 flood. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
The spot where Gigi is doing his homework was submerged during the April 2010 flood. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Despite their difficult situation, not one family from Mleta was included in a state programme providing help to vulnerable families. They are not even on the official list of 11 000 families who require urgent resettlement. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Despite their difficult situation, not one family from Mleta was included in a state programme providing help to vulnerable families. They are not even on the official list of 11 000 families who require urgent resettlement. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
People in Mleta say they monitor river water levels closely so they have enough time to evacuate their homes in the event of a flood. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
People in Mleta say they monitor river water levels closely so they have enough time to evacuate their homes in the event of a flood. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Only people who have no where else to go remain in Mleta. Experts from the national environmental agency, part of the ministry of environment protection and natural resources, recommended that the villagers should be resettled. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Only people who have no where else to go remain in Mleta. Experts from the national environmental agency, part of the ministry of environment protection and natural resources, recommended that the villagers should be resettled. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
The residents of Sharakhevi in the Tianeti region are requesting official help after a landslide ruined several houses last spring. Experts say the risk of another landslide remains. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
The residents of Sharakhevi in the Tianeti region are requesting official help after a landslide ruined several houses last spring. Experts say the risk of another landslide remains. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Marta Mgeliashvili, 84, says that officials visited Sharakhevi after the landslide and promised help, but none has been forthcoming. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Marta Mgeliashvili, 84, says that officials visited Sharakhevi after the landslide and promised help, but none has been forthcoming. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Families who stay in Sharakhevi fear new landslides in a month or two when snow high in the mountains starts melting. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Families who stay in Sharakhevi fear new landslides in a month or two when snow high in the mountains starts melting. (Photo: Giorgi Kupatadze)
Friday, 13 May, 2011

Согласно официальным данным 11 тысяч грузинских семей проживают в домах разрушенных в результате стихийных бедствий или не подлежащих восстановлению. Правительство обещает их переселить, но прогресса пока почти нет и этим семьям приходиться оставаться в опасных для жизни условиях.

По данным национального природного агентства Грузии, больше всего от стихийных бедствий страдают высокогорные регионы страны. По результатам исследования, которое было проведено в 2006 году, в Грузии зафиксировано 53 тысячи оползневых обьектов, занимающих 1.5 милионов гектар земли, из которых 70 процентов в непосредственной близости от населенных пунктов. Оползни угрожают 3 тысячам городов и сел.

В течение 1987-2010 годов более 400 человек погибли в результате стихийных бедствий. В 2008 году все члены двух семей, проживающих в Аджарии, прибрежном черноморском регионе, погибли в результате схода оползня. Селян предупредили об опасности схода оползня, но они не были переселены.

Официальная статистика показывает, что процесс переселения протекает очень медленно. По данным министерства по делам беженцев и расселению в 2007-9 годах вынужденным переселенцам, пострадавшим в результате стихийных бедствий было представлено всего лишь 429 домов. В бюджете на 2010-11 годы не предусмотрены средства на обеспечение их жильем.

Фотографии сняты в селах Млета и Шарахеви, Мцхета - Мтианетского региона, Восточная Грузия.

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