
Desperate Refugees Put A Curse On Both Houses

Russia may never persuade the Chechen people - tens of thousands who are struggling to survive refugee camps here - that it bears no ill will towards the civilian population of the embattled Caucasian republic.

23 Dec 99

Campaigning By Tank

The Unity Party's election objectives appear to have been reached in Sunday's Russian parliamentary polls, driven as much by tanks in Chechnya as by the party's actual policies.

23 Dec 99

NGOs Ready To Tackle Government's Failings

Georgia's NGOs are starting to flex their political muscles and are increasingly ready to tackle the government in the absence of a wide range of effective opposition parties.

23 Dec 99

Chechen Fighters Retreat To The Hills

As the Russian bombardment of Grozny reaches a horrifying crescendo, vicious skirmishes are breaking out south of the capital where small Chechen units have retreated to their mountain strongholds.

23 Dec 99

Armenia Goes From Bad To Worse

Calls by senior figures in the powerful Union of Karabakh Volunteers for Armenian President Robert Kocharian to resign have intensified speculation that the Armenian military are pursuing a more active role in Armenian politics.

17 Dec 99

Face To Face With The Enemy

Wednesday night's street fighting in Minutka Square is a small taste of things to come from Grozny's defenders, who now have their chance to meet the Russians on the ground. Experience has shown that this is the kind of combat in which they excel.

17 Dec 99

First Ignored, Now Damned

The Chechen government's efforts to communicate with Moscow - or indeed the West - are rebuffed. Negotiators are sidelined. And pleas for safe passage for the terrified civilians of Grozny are ignored.

17 Dec 99

A Tale Of Two Chechen Wars

Public reaction to last August's outbreak of war in Chechnya proved very different to the way the last conflict was received in 1995. The difference, reports Densi Bevz from the Siberian city of Tomsk, is down to cynicism, an uncaring community and the me

17 Dec 99

IMF Refuses Loan Tranches To Georgia

A recent International Monetary Fund mission to Georgia has refused to authorise 32 million dollars in loan tranches to the country for the year 2000. IMF experts blame Tbilisi's budget imbalances and Georgia's widespread corruption.

17 Dec 99
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