Opinion: Fuel, Electricity, and our Patience

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada institution for Media, Culture, and Arts.

Opinion: Fuel, Electricity, and our Patience

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada institution for Media, Culture, and Arts.

Friday, 25 November, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Once again, the ministries of oil and electricity returned us to the old chicken and egg story. After the slight improvements in power and fuel, the crisis has returned, and the people are once again suffering fuel and power shortages. The ministers gave reasonable justifications, but what is incredible is that the crisis exists. Why do they not take the proper steps to prevent the shortages? They ought not to find excuses and justifications -- they should work to set proper solutions to the crisis before it begins. Otherwise, they will be accused of doing an inadequate job. Officials do not care about the crises overwhelming Iraq because no one asks questions them about why they come up short in their duties. They also know their posts are temporary because there is no permanent government.
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